Team Headshot Pricing at 415Headshots

View our headshot packages for your company’s headshot session.

Essentials Session


  • Includes 6 people per hour

    • Add on more headshots for a maximum of 10 sessions per hour ($55 per additional headshot).

  • Coached session for team members at our studio or your office (No travel fee in San Francisco Bay Area).

  • Each person receives 100% rights to all images taken and 2 retouched images of their choice. Additional retouched images are $35/image.

Enterprise Session


  • Includes 25 people in four hours

    • Add on more headshots for a maximum of 50 sessions per half-day ($55 per additional headshot).

  • Coached session for team members at our studio or your office (No travel fee in San Francisco Bay Area).

  • Each person receives 100% rights to all images taken and 2 retouched images of their choice. Additional retouched images are $35/image.

Executive Session

$2,750/full day

  • Includes 50 people per day

    • Add on more headshots for a maximum of 100 sessions per day ($55 per additional headshot).

  • Coached session for team members at our studio or your office (No travel fee in San Francisco Bay Area).

  • Each person receives 100% rights to all images taken and 2 retouched images of their choice. Additional retouched images are $35/image.

Need quotes for more than 100 people? We can help you! Contact us for more information.

415Headshots’ Policies and Add-Ons

The Photos

  • Your company will have full access and ownership to all headshots taken of your team members. All headshots from the session will be delivered to a representative of your company within 24 hours of the session.

Retouched Photos

  • Edits include: refining lighting in the photo, removing flyaway hairs, teeth whitening, and removing any blemishes at the request of your team members. Additional edits are available upon request of the representative of your company.

  • Team members will get to pick the photos they’d like retouched from the delivered proofs. Retouched photos will be delivered to the e-mail address of a representative of your business within 3 business days.

  • Other than the free retouched photos that are included in your company’s respective headshot package, additional edited photographs are $35 per photograph.

  • Rushed edits (24-hour turnaround time from the session) are $40 per photograph that your company will like edited.


  • Your team members will have a live viewing of the photographs taken during the session.

    • Our photographers will show your team members the photos being taken during the session either on a laptop screen or the camera.

  • A representative of your company is more than welcome to contact our photographers before your session for wardrobe, style, and lighting suggestions to achieve a uniform look across your team members.

  • If your company is not satisfied with the edited photographs and/or headshot session, we will provide you with a free headshot package (must be of identical value to your original package).

Traveling to Your Office

  • We travel to offices in California for free of charge.

  • For traveling to your office located anywhere else in the United States, we have a flat $500 traveling fee.

Looking for individual professional headshot pricing? Click here for individual headshot pricing. If you’re in need for group team photos, feel free to reach us via email for a quote.